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Argumentative Essay Donald Trump - 1278 Words

Boone 1 Andre Boone Jones ENGL 103-008 11 Nov. 2016 Argumentative Essay Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. He was born in Queens, New York. His father was a builder and real estate developer in Queens, Staten Island and Brooklyn. Trump was an energetic, assertive child, and his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy at age 13, hoping the discipline of the school would channel his energy in a positive manner. Trump did good at the academy both socially and academically. He became a star athlete and a great student. He then entered Fordham University and two years later transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated in 1968. During his years at college, Trump secured education deferments for the Vietnam War draft and ultimately a 1-Y medical deferment after he graduated. Trump, as well as his father, had a career in real estate development, bringing his grander ambitions to the family business. As a student, Trump worked with his father during the summer Boone 2 and then joined his father s company, Elizabeth Trump Son, after he graduated from college. He financed an expansion of the company s holdings by convincing his father to be more liberal in the use of loans based on the equity in the Trump apartment complexes. However, their business was very competitive. It is evident that over the years, Trump was used to being in control and wealthy. There are many things that are named after Trump that holdShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Essay : Donald Trump V. S. Hilary Clinton1295 Words   |  6 PagesEvaluative Argumentative Essay Donald Trump V. S. Hilary Clinton In the history of The United States of America there have been 44 presidencies. The current election is showing many promising candidates and of them two have made a rather large name for themselves, Donald Trump for the Republican Party and Hilary Clinton for the Democratic Party. 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