Saturday, August 22, 2020

Evaluation of the Companys Current Marketing Strategy Essay Example

Assessment of the Companys Current Marketing Strategy Essay Satellite TV fragments their market by clients premium and need. They give wide assortment of TV plans to clients as per their inclinations. To put it plainly, Cable TV receives the psychographic division which partitions purchasers into various gatherings dependent on social class, way of life or character attributes. Assortment of TV projects to suit distinctive way of life and character. For instance, money related channel communicates modern monetary news is of financial specialist run of the mill premium. National Geographic and Discovery stations give regular and geographic news to focus on crowd who like to get information by sitting in front of the TV. Also, a great many people watching Cable TV are on the reason for amusement as it were. So this is the biggest and greatest section. Additionally, Cable TV isolates purchasers into dynamic purchaser and uninvolved purchaser. It fragments the market by forcing distinctive value procedure in these two gatherings. For instance, the cost is less expensive if the deals are led by street appear or outbound calls which they are portioned as aloof purchasers. Interestingly, dynamic purchasers need to hold up under the fundamental value which is marginally higher then exceptional cost on the off chance that it the clients legitimately contact Cable TV to apply for pay TV administration. Focusing on Cable TV primarily focuses on the clients who are keen on the news, motion pictures and sports. These days, as there are an expanding number of client requests for the instructive projects, and countless male clients would obtain digital TV due to the telecom of live-sport programs while female clients might want to procure it because of the 24 hours constant telecom of additional up-dated motion pictures and all these clarify why link would have such focusing on. Item Positioning Cable TV positions its administration as Pay TV equivalents to Cable TV. At the point when individuals consider pay TV administration, they would promptly consider Cable TV. To communicate biggest number of TV programs, it keeps up as an industry head in Hong Kong. Also, Cable TV positions its administration as the best home diversion to urge more families to buy in Cable TV. Promoting Mix Product The principle bit of leeway of Cable TV is give purchaser amicable assistance. It gives 67 24-hours relentless telecom and less promotion appeared. Different channels are given to suit various requirements of clients. The channels can be partitioned into a few classifications and essential and premium channels. We will compose a custom paper test on Evaluation of the Companys Current Marketing Strategy explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Evaluation of the Companys Current Marketing Strategy explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Evaluation of the Companys Current Marketing Strategy explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer (Show 2)The principle classifications are sports, news and motion pictures. Different fields incorporate amusement program, narrative, experience program, grown-up program, and composite program for various nations. The assortment projects can start individuals to secure Cable TV administration. Digital TV offers various designs for clients. They are Cable TV Basic Package, Super Family Pack, Super Movie Pack, Super News Pack, We-Wet Entertainment Pack, Discovery Mega Pack, International Pack, Zee Pack and CAT6 pack. (Show 3)However, these plans are not adaptable and shoppers can't their preferred projects as it were. News channels are well known and can hold numerous present clients because of its constant refreshing and broadcasting. These news channels give most recent news and monetary data in numerous nations. The refreshed data gave is very valuable in these days world in view of the expanding significance of administration and data industry. Films stations communicate nearby and global motion pictures. These motion pictures are likeness new and they can fulfill numerous individuals who like watching film. Satellite TV needs to focus on individuals who are keen on sports. It has numerous games channels demonstrating various games everywhere throughout the world. The most appealing piece of the games channels is live and selective football matches of the four greatest soccer classes on the planet to fulfill clients interests. Other than these three viewpoints, Cable TV sees individuals will in general find out about different nations, it presents numerous universal stations as of late. There are 2 sorts of converters, simple and advanced converters. The rental charge is for both is the equivalent yet a portion of the channels must be viewed with the utilization of the advanced converter. The assortment of channels can fulfill purchaser however the wasteful hotline disappoints buyers as it is hard to have direct association with the client care delegate. Value Cable-TV offers an exceptional month to month cost for clients on the off chance that they prepaid one-year expense. What's more, it offers markdown to the Basic Package clients to procure different bundles and premium channels. Bigger rebate is offered for first time clients to pull in them to attempt. For instance, new clients just compensation $198 rather than $298 for the Basic Package in the main year of administration. For various bundles, they are with various costs. (Display 3)However, the cost of the bundles is excessively high and this will debilitate lower pay gathering to introduce Cable TV. Other than the bundle expense, new clients need to pay rental charge of $30 for the converter. Clients can pay extra to watch the top notch channels. In the event that clients need to have one progressively Cable TV in their home, they have to pay additional charge for this extra outlet. The measures of charges paid rely upon the bundle utilized by clients. They have to address additional portion of the first cost on the off chance that they are utilizing Basic Pack, Zee Pack, International Pack and every single premium channel. They have to pay twofold on the off chance that they utilize different bundles. In the event that clients need to end the administration, Cable TV will offer a markdown to pull in them not to do as such. This is helpful the same number of purchasers are worry with cost. Advancement Booths Cable TV sets up a great deal of brief corners on new neighborhood to draw in new clients. Regularly, plans advanced from the stalls are with a limited time rebate, as a fascination. Attributable to the enormous advancement inclusion of the corners in Hong Kong, this advancement channel could intrigue purchaser most. In contrast to advancements on media, corners could effectively arrive at purchasers and wont be limited by media requirements. The presentation of corners is reasonable. Albeit a few buyers are pulled in to the advancement or markdown gave by these corners and start them to obtain Cable TV, a few shoppers have negative emotions toward them. Here and there buyer may believe that salesman is irritating, as there are a lot of salespersons approach them in a short separation. Some state that the salespersons are shameless, they help deals by giving false data initiate customer to buy which thusly keep away from purchasers from reestablishing the agreement. Entryway to entryway Promotion It is a functioning advancement propelled every so often in local location, particularly before huge occasions like World Cup and Olympics. Each fruitful visit last around 15 to 30 minutes. It permits sales rep to have a superior correspondence and contact with buyers, empower them to comprehend shopper better and take suitable advancement words. It additionally empowers satellite TV to focus on those families who are not utilizing digital TV as per the client record. This is more expense and time viable, as just individuals who are intrigued would let sales rep to have a further discussion with them. Entryway to entryway advancement likewise permits data approach and animates purchasers need at the correct time. Prior to World Cup and Olympic, numerous purchasers have the transient need of getting satellite TV. What's more, in home, shopper would have a superior conviction that all is good and would be progressively open and agreeable which establishes a decent situation for them to tune in and converse with the salespersons. In any case, the inclusion of this strategy is fairly little, and the time cost is high. Notice on Media Advertisement on media is an aloof advancement. Purchasers could choose what they need to focus on and what they need to keep away from. A few innovative TV promotions could effectively intrigue purchasers. One interviewee could retain the TV promotions with a man singing Free Super Offer which is one year prior. Dissemination Channel The convey strategy is the buyer register first. At that point salespersons will assist customer with calling for establishment and conveyance of essential gadgets. There are four different ways of procuring the administration: Phone More than half of the interviewees get Cable TV effectively by telephone. Buyers mirror that the system is commonly smooth, aside from they couldn't be coordinated to client assistance official when they decide. Online download of structure In Cable TV site, application structure is in PDF structure. Customers could just print out the structure and sent or fax back to Cable TV. This isn't an easy to understand channel. Stalls Except advancement, corners on road are additionally go about as an appropriation channel. As referenced in the advancement, quality and amount of corners ought to be controlled and balanced. Entryway to-entryway advancement Like corners on road, if the salesman could effectively start buyer to obtain administration through visiting their homes, they appropriate the item. Suggestions Quick activities: To expand its pieces of the overall industry in the business, a few methodologies are applied so as to draw in potential clients. Potential clients: Online Application This sort of utilization is advantageous and simple for the clients to utilize which would build the deal by pulling in more clients to apply for the administrations. What's more, the expense of this sort of appropriation channel is likewise low. In any case, the issue is that, a few methodologies ought to be utilized to rouse the clients to apply Cable TV on the web. Advancements which can start utilization decisi

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Zoom INTRODUCTIONMartin: Hi, Today we are in San Jose in the Zoom office. Hi Eric, who are you and what do you do?Eric: First of all, thank you for visiting us. I am Eric Yuan. I am the founder and CEO of Zoom video communications. We are building the number one best video conferencing service worldwide. And I think our service offers the best quality, is of use in the video conferencing service. And prior to founding Zoom, I worked for Cisco. I was a corporate Vice President at the Cisco systems. And I came to Cisco as part of the WebEx acquisition and I was actually one of the founding engineers and ultimately became vice president of engineering at WebEx. So I worked on real time collaboration technology for more than 18 years. I have a high confidence to share with you, Zoom as the best video conferencing company.Martin: Once youve been exiting WebEx to Cisco, at what point in time did you say, “Hmm, let me start another company?”Eric: So thats a good question. First of all, you k now, I live in Silicon Valley, I would call that a Startup Valley. I feel great if I work for a startup companies. So I do not think, Im proud of that if I tell my friends or neighbours that I worked some other big companies, so this is the culture of Silicon Valley. Another reason is before I left to Cisco, I spend a lot of a time to work with many of our customers, we wanted to get more feedbacks.Essentially, the reason why we started Zoom centered around customers and their needs because quite often customers told us was that there is some new promise, the existing solutions can’t help to fix. Like a conference room solution, like a Zoom room, software defined video conferencing solutions and also how to interact with the existing hardware-based conference solutions. And plus, how to make your solution mobile friendly, like share your iPhone and iPad screen. Last but not least, these days, almost every business, SMB or large enterprise, they have all kinds of solutions, like Sk ype, Google Hangout, WebEx, Google Meeting, you name it. Its totally different user experience, how to interact with those solutions, how to build one solution with the best experience, that is very challenging at the same time. Thats why we decided to build a new solution from scratch, to address all those problems.Martin: So how did you then start? Who was in the founding team? How did you meet? How did you start going to the market?Eric: So after I had that idea, I decided to leave and after I left, all those best engineers who have been at WebEx, they knew I left, they all wanted to follow me, so they join in the Zoom. And also we got some seed funding from all the Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, some ex WebEx senior executives as well. I think quickly we organized our team, we had enough funding. And I think for the first 2 years we were working very hard, we got the product platform done.At that time we reached the A round and the B round we got great traction over the last 2 ye ars and we already had a more than 140,000 business customers who are using our solutions, it is going great.Martin: Great.BUSINESS MODEL OF ZOOMMartin: Eric, let’s talk about the business model of Zoom. So actually who are your target customers and what type of product solutions with what type of value proposition are you offering to them?Eric: Sure. We target business customers, SMB and large enterprise. Also we target education customers as well as healthcare customers like telemedicine, telehealth.Our business model is we have a freemium model, I would call that a true freemium model, meaning we can give you all the features for free, there are no limitations whatsoever. And when it comes to more than two person for a group video conferencing we also give you all the features for free but for every meeting with limited duration to 40 minutes. This is something new, most customers really like that. I even dont need to pay you, but 40 minutes is good enough.Also, we offer our se rvice not only to offer video conferencing but also offer you web conferencing and also we have additional functionalities across the platform. Plus if your company already deployed the hardware conference rooms solutions we also can interact with that. Plus, there are many conference rooms worldwide. Only less than 5% are enabled with the hardware conference room solutions. We have a conference room solution called Zoom Rooms based on commodity hardware with our software and the customer likes it, really like it. Not only for way you do conferencing but also with support of wireless presentation essencially you can get rid off the projectors as well.Martin: Eric, you have somehow a unique business model, because you said, you provide most of the stuff for free and thereby building of a huge platform. Other video conferencing providers are charging from the first customer and so on. What is the reason of building this kind of platform and how can you monetize on that?Eric: So first of all, we truly believe that Zoom has the best video conference platform. So how to reach out to those customers, this is part of your business model, so we have a true freemium model. Customers, they can go to our website, sign up for a free account, you can use that for free for one to one. You can have up to 50 participant, you can use it for free but at every meeting 40 minutes. But for a lot of customers the 40 minutes is not good enough. And so for some important meeting, the meeting with customers is probably 1 hour, then they need to pay. And when it comes to subscribing to our paid services, it is extremely affordable, just $14.99 per host per month. If you look at other service, it is very expensive, even more expensive, less features, quality wise also not as good as us. That’s why after we launched our solutions we did not do any marketing, purely leveraging the word for mouth. We got tractions, customers referred us to other customers, “Finally, I found a good solu tion that works so well, I really enjoy using Zoom”. They spread the word to their friends, their business collegues and so on so forth. That’s why we got traction.Martin: What enables you to produce the value much much cheaper than anybody else?Eric: That’s a good question. First of all, myself and my team, I want to say, we are working on this collaboration technology for more than 18 years. You look at any other company worldwide. At any other company they dont have that expertise. So when we started building up the Zoom technology, from day one, we knew that we should do it differently this time. We knew how to optimize product, optimize architecture, make sure from day one every single thing is fully automated and also make sure we build the technology by ourselves, we do not license some expensive hardware or software. And with that we can build a very optimized model like how to optimize traffic, how to optimize your computer power and so on and so forth, that is why w e can offer great price and at the same time still profit.Martin: And when you developed the product in the first place, did you have some beta customers or a group of potential customers who you involved in the product development process.Eric: I think we are fortunate, after we launched our product through the private beta customers, our first paid customer is Standford University, continuing study department. They found our solution because they were looking for our solution at that time. After they tested our platform, they shared with us: Yes, that’s exactly the platform they were looking for. And even before we launched our product they became our paid customers. After that, we get another customer, another customer, everyday we get a lot of customers and new visitors to our platform.Martin: And how do you acquire the customers is more like though inbound marketing and sales or are you really going out and targeting them?Eric: Well the way it works is like we have visitors to our website by and you sign up for your account. You cannot use Zoom by yourself, this is a collaboration platform. You might be your friends, your customers or partners to use Zoom platform. If this product works well, guess what after the meeting is over, the participant, they would say, Oh this platform is great, where did you find this platform? What is your experience so far?” If you’ve a good experience you might have share it with your other friend and your other friend might sign up for another free account. This word of mouth marketing certainly works very well for us.Also we reach out to those customers who already paid for like 1 account, 2 or 3 accounts. Lets take a company with a special domain like for example, we have a system to track, Oh we have 5 paid accounts from” and we reach out to them, “Hey, how do you like this solution?” and feedback, “What can we do to help you?” We start very healthy conversations with customers and gu ess what, very soon they begin to buy another 10-20 and very soon the whole department might deploy the solution, and then it is in 2 departments. Later on the CIO will standardize on Zoom Platform. That is one way.Another way is, given that we got some traction already, quite often some large enterprise IT director or CIO, they also directly reach out to us, “Hey we want to have a pilot to try your platform.” And normally after the one month trial, I think they are going to standardize on Zoom platform.Martin: What are the major obstacles over the last years that you needed to overcome to and how did manage them?Eric: I think overall, for scaling phase we need to hire a lot of people. Beef up our customer support, sales and marketing, more engineers. When we started with 50 people it is easy to maintain the culture. If you have a more than 200 people, 250 people it is a relatively hard. How to maintain a culture, that is something that we needed to overcome because our culture is to deliver happiness to our users. As we hire more and more people every week have like 5 or 10 people, how to maintain the culture? That is really something I think that we are thinking about everyday.Martin: And what did you do in order to enforce this kind of culture?Eric: I don’t think I don’t have any secret sauce, we just talk about that and all the leaders, all the employees who are here for a long time, we lead based on example. I think every day, in all hands meeting we just share some good stories, try to show the employees what does that mean for delivering happiness to our customers. I just think this is more like a daily routine in work to share with employees what it means to deliver happiness to your customers.Martin: So when somebody is using Zoom, does he need to sign up so you have contact detail?Eric: If you are a host, you definitely need to sign up for a free account or a paid account and to start a Zoom video conference. For Zoom participant, they do not need to do anything. After you sign up to a free account you can send an email link right to your customers or partners. After they get that email invitation, they click that link, everything will be automatically set up and they can join the Zoom video call.Martin: Okay, great!ADVICE TO ENTREPRENEURS FROM ERIC YUAN In San Jose (CA), we meet Founder CEO of Zoom, Eric Yuan. Eric talks about his story how he came up with the idea and founded Zoom, how the current business model works, as well as he provides some advice for young entrepreneurs.INTRODUCTIONMartin: Hi, Today we are in San Jose in the Zoom office. Hi Eric, who are you and what do you do?Eric: First of all, thank you for visiting us. I am Eric Yuan. I am the founder and CEO of Zoom video communications. We are building the number one best video conferencing service worldwide. And I think our service offers the best quality, is of use in the video conferencing service. And prior to founding Zoom, I worked for Cisco. I was a corporate Vice President at the Cisco systems. And I came to Cisco as part of the WebEx acquisition and I was actually one of the founding engineers and ultimately became vice president of engineering at WebEx. So I worked on real time collaboration technology for more than 18 years. I have a high confidence to shar e with you, Zoom as the best video conferencing company.Martin: Once youve been exiting WebEx to Cisco, at what point in time did you say, “Hmm, let me start another company?”Eric: So thats a good question. First of all, you know, I live in Silicon Valley, I would call that a Startup Valley. I feel great if I work for a startup companies. So I do not think, Im proud of that if I tell my friends or neighbours that I worked some other big companies, so this is the culture of Silicon Valley. Another reason is before I left to Cisco, I spend a lot of a time to work with many of our customers, we wanted to get more feedbacks.Essentially, the reason why we started Zoom centered around customers and their needs because quite often customers told us was that there is some new promise, the existing solutions can’t help to fix. Like a conference room solution, like a Zoom room, software defined video conferencing solutions and also how to interact with the existing hardware-based confer ence solutions. And plus, how to make your solution mobile friendly, like share your iPhone and iPad screen. Last but not least, these days, almost every business, SMB or large enterprise, they have all kinds of solutions, like Skype, Google Hangout, WebEx, Google Meeting, you name it. Its totally different user experience, how to interact with those solutions, how to build one solution with the best experience, that is very challenging at the same time. Thats why we decided to build a new solution from scratch, to address all those problems.Martin: So how did you then start? Who was in the founding team? How did you meet? How did you start going to the market?Eric: So after I had that idea, I decided to leave and after I left, all those best engineers who have been at WebEx, they knew I left, they all wanted to follow me, so they join in the Zoom. And also we got some seed funding from all the Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, some ex WebEx senior executives as well. I think quickly we organized our team, we had enough funding. And I think for the first 2 years we were working very hard, we got the product platform done.At that time we reached the A round and the B round we got great traction over the last 2 years and we already had a more than 140,000 business customers who are using our solutions, it is going great.Martin: Great.BUSINESS MODEL OF ZOOMMartin: Eric, let’s talk about the business model of Zoom. So actually who are your target customers and what type of product solutions with what type of value proposition are you offering to them?Eric: Sure. We target business customers, SMB and large enterprise. Also we target education customers as well as healthcare customers like telemedicine, telehealth.Our business model is we have a freemium model, I would call that a true freemium model, meaning we can give you all the features for free, there are no limitations whatsoever. And when it comes to more than two person for a group video conferencing we also give you all the features for free but for every meeting with limited duration to 40 minutes. This is something new, most customers really like that. I even dont need to pay you, but 40 minutes is good enough.Also, we offer our service not only to offer video conferencing but also offer you web conferencing and also we have additional functionalities across the platform. Plus if your company already deployed the hardware conference rooms solutions we also can interact with that. Plus, there are many conference rooms worldwide. Only less than 5% are enabled with the hardware conference room solutions. We have a conference room solution called Zoom Rooms based on commodity hardware with our software and the customer likes it, really like it. Not only for way you do conferencing but also with support of wireless presentation essencially you can get rid off the projectors as well.Martin: Eric, you have somehow a unique business model, because you said, you provide most of the stuff for free and thereby building of a huge platform. Other video conferencing providers are charging from the first customer and so on. What is the reason of building this kind of platform and how can you monetize on that?Eric: So first of all, we truly believe that Zoom has the best video conference platform. So how to reach out to those customers, this is part of your business model, so we have a true freemium model. Customers, they can go to our website, sign up for a free account, you can use that for free for one to one. You can have up to 50 participant, you can use it for free but at every meeting 40 minutes. But for a lot of customers the 40 minutes is not good enough. And so for some important meeting, the meeting with customers is probably 1 hour, then they need to pay. And when it comes to subscribing to our paid services, it is extremely affordable, just $14.99 per host per month. If you look at other service, it is very expensive, even more expensive, less features, quality wi se also not as good as us. That’s why after we launched our solutions we did not do any marketing, purely leveraging the word for mouth. We got tractions, customers referred us to other customers, “Finally, I found a good solution that works so well, I really enjoy using Zoom”. They spread the word to their friends, their business collegues and so on so forth. That’s why we got traction.Martin: What enables you to produce the value much much cheaper than anybody else?Eric: That’s a good question. First of all, myself and my team, I want to say, we are working on this collaboration technology for more than 18 years. You look at any other company worldwide. At any other company they dont have that expertise. So when we started building up the Zoom technology, from day one, we knew that we should do it differently this time. We knew how to optimize product, optimize architecture, make sure from day one every single thing is fully automated and also make sure we build the tech nology by ourselves, we do not license some expensive hardware or software. And with that we can build a very optimized model like how to optimize traffic, how to optimize your computer power and so on and so forth, that is why we can offer great price and at the same time still profit.Martin: And when you developed the product in the first place, did you have some beta customers or a group of potential customers who you involved in the product development process.Eric: I think we are fortunate, after we launched our product through the private beta customers, our first paid customer is Standford University, continuing study department. They found our solution because they were looking for our solution at that time. After they tested our platform, they shared with us: Yes, that’s exactly the platform they were looking for. And even before we launched our product they became our paid customers. After that, we get another customer, another customer, everyday we get a lot of custome rs and new visitors to our platform.Martin: And how do you acquire the customers is more like though inbound marketing and sales or are you really going out and targeting them?Eric: Well the way it works is like we have visitors to our website by and you sign up for your account. You cannot use Zoom by yourself, this is a collaboration platform. You might be your friends, your customers or partners to use Zoom platform. If this product works well, guess what after the meeting is over, the participant, they would say, Oh this platform is great, where did you find this platform? What is your experience so far?” If you’ve a good experience you might have share it with your other friend and your other friend might sign up for another free account. This word of mouth marketing certainly works very well for us.Also we reach out to those customers who already paid for like 1 account, 2 or 3 accounts. Lets take a company with a special domain like for example, we have a sys tem to track, Oh we have 5 paid accounts from” and we reach out to them, “Hey, how do you like this solution?” and feedback, “What can we do to help you?” We start very healthy conversations with customers and guess what, very soon they begin to buy another 10-20 and very soon the whole department might deploy the solution, and then it is in 2 departments. Later on the CIO will standardize on Zoom Platform. That is one way.Another way is, given that we got some traction already, quite often some large enterprise IT director or CIO, they also directly reach out to us, “Hey we want to have a pilot to try your platform.” And normally after the one month trial, I think they are going to standardize on Zoom platform.Martin: What are the major obstacles over the last years that you needed to overcome to and how did manage them?Eric: I think overall, for scaling phase we need to hire a lot of people. Beef up our customer support, sales and marketing, more engineers. W hen we started with 50 people it is easy to maintain the culture. If you have a more than 200 people, 250 people it is a relatively hard. How to maintain a culture, that is something that we needed to overcome because our culture is to deliver happiness to our users. As we hire more and more people every week have like 5 or 10 people, how to maintain the culture? That is really something I think that we are thinking about everyday.Martin: And what did you do in order to enforce this kind of culture?Eric: I don’t think I don’t have any secret sauce, we just talk about that and all the leaders, all the employees who are here for a long time, we lead based on example. I think every day, in all hands meeting we just share some good stories, try to show the employees what does that mean for delivering happiness to our customers. I just think this is more like a daily routine in work to share with employees what it means to deliver happiness to your customers.Martin: So when somebody is using Zoom, does he need to sign up so you have contact detail?Eric: If you are a host, you definitely need to sign up for a free account or a paid account and to start a Zoom video conference. For Zoom participant, they do not need to do anything. After you sign up to a free account you can send an email link right to your customers or partners. After they get that email invitation, they click that link, everything will be automatically set up and they can join the Zoom video call.Martin: Okay, great!ADVICE TO ENTREPRENEURS FROM ERIC YUANMartin: Eric, let’s talk about your startup advice in the major learnings over the years. So imagine somebody young comes to you and says, “I would like to start a company”. What type of advice can you provide him?Eric: If any young entrepreneur want to start up a company, my answer is always, “Yes, please do it. This is best time”. Ultimately, I think the start up companies, they are driving economy, driving this society forward. And the one lesson I learned over the past 18 years especially after I came to Silicon Valley I would say, the courage. You have to get the courage to try even if you might have failed, that’s ok try again. If you failed try again and if you are patient, working hard, keep trying, someday you will be successful.Martin: What other advice can you share, with for example running a company?Eric: To run a company is more like to play sports. Number one thing is you want to win, that’s really important. Number two you have got to work hard, organize the best team, work hard every day, deliver happiness to your customers and also have fun and then you will be successful.Martin: Eric thank you so much for sharing your insight. It was a pleasureEric: Thanks you.Martin: And if you want to communicate with your customers and you’re looking for a cheap affordable and really awesome solution check out things and thank you.Eric: Thanks you.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Ideal Desert Island Song - 883 Words

Music is the most sensitive language. It is the best to communicate different idea in the shortest form. At times it does not need to seek help from words even. Music has its own language. Most of the people believe that every single individual is born with the quality to understand the most romantic language that is of music. Surprisingly it needs no training as we can see that even infant can enjoy the music. Who makes them learn about rhythm and beats; perhaps this is one of the things that create its own understanding within no time. However the taste may vary from one person to another person and from one situation to another situation. Whatever be the criteria I believe that the â€Å"ain’t no reason† by Brett Dennen is the one song that can be termed as the ideal desert song. This is the song that I would love to listen to this song. What makes a song all time better song? I believe that music and poetry has no age, it is the reason that we like Shakespeare even after so many years. We still listen to some old tunes. In the same way â€Å"ain’t no reason† by Brett Dennen is one of the songs that should be the ideal desert song, even if I am marooned on a desert island with only the technology that still allows me to listen to music. If I have to evaluate this song I would like to share my views that why I like this song so much. There are several reasons of my liking one of them is the motivational approach of this song. I believe that this is the song that can provide theShow MoreRelatedDeep In The Forest Of Frederick Douglass’S Autobiography,1034 Words   |  5 Pagesair around them with desire: desire for a freedom so far out of reach—for â€Å"things unknown but longed for still.† In his narrative, Douglass expresses incredulity at the fact that onlookers could hear anything but the deepest sadness in these slave songs. Writes Douglass, â€Å"I have often been utterly astonished, since I came to the north, to find persons who could speak of the singing among slaves, as evidence of their contentment and happiness. It is impossible to conceive of a greater mistake.† AsRead MoreThe Garden Party Analysis3917 Words   |  16 PagesLaura is supposed to be in charge but has trouble with the workers who appear to know better, and her mother (Mrs. Sheridan) has ordered lilies to be delivered for the party without Lauras approval. Her sister Jose tests the piano, and then sings a song in case she is asked to do so again later. After the furniture is rearranged, they learn that their working-class neighbor Mr. Scott has died. While Laura believes the party should be called off, neither Jose nor their mother agree. 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They soar around often while locating a home with their songs claiming their reproduction territory.  The month of March is a month of courtship flying. (, 2007) Male birds draw in the females with songs or stunning feathers. In April,  the birds typically hatch their offspring and probably won’t be flying much. In the month of May,  the adult-raptors are flying aroundRead MoreTourism in Assam: Status and Prospects3722 Words   |  15 PagesPoaching a big problem (b) Religious Barpeta, Battadwara, hajo, Kamakhya, Surya pahar (c) Historical Digboi, Sibasagar, tezpur (d) Others 3. Guwahati: Kamakhya on the Nilachal hills, the ancient Siva temple Umananda situated on the Peacock island in the middle of the river Brahmaputra, the Navagraha temple, Srimanta Sankardeva Kalakshetra, Vaisisthashram (founded by famous sage Vaisistha amidst grand natural beauty), 4. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Argumentative Essay Donald Trump - 1278 Words

Boone 1 Andre Boone Jones ENGL 103-008 11 Nov. 2016 Argumentative Essay Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946. He was born in Queens, New York. His father was a builder and real estate developer in Queens, Staten Island and Brooklyn. Trump was an energetic, assertive child, and his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy at age 13, hoping the discipline of the school would channel his energy in a positive manner. Trump did good at the academy both socially and academically. He became a star athlete and a great student. He then entered Fordham University and two years later transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated in 1968. During his years at college, Trump secured education deferments for the Vietnam War draft and ultimately a 1-Y medical deferment after he graduated. Trump, as well as his father, had a career in real estate development, bringing his grander ambitions to the family business. As a student, Trump worked with his father during the summer Boone 2 and then joined his father s company, Elizabeth Trump Son, after he graduated from college. He financed an expansion of the company s holdings by convincing his father to be more liberal in the use of loans based on the equity in the Trump apartment complexes. However, their business was very competitive. It is evident that over the years, Trump was used to being in control and wealthy. There are many things that are named after Trump that holdShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Essay : Donald Trump V. S. Hilary Clinton1295 Words   |  6 PagesEvaluative Argumentative Essay Donald Trump V. S. Hilary Clinton In the history of The United States of America there have been 44 presidencies. The current election is showing many promising candidates and of them two have made a rather large name for themselves, Donald Trump for the Republican Party and Hilary Clinton for the Democratic Party. 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Literary criticism Free Essays

Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural writing. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary criticism or any similar topic only for you Order Now We learn from books and literature; we enjoy the triumphs and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow through our literary journey with books. In conclusion, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author’s message. However we interpret literature, there is still an artistic quality to the works. Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is both universal and individual, and in many ways it affects us, for the better. When some people think of the word â€Å"Literature† they think of books like, Walden, Old man and the Sea, Tom Sawyer, Great Expectations, or Moby Dick. These are what some call â€Å"the classics. † While these few books are indeed literature do we subconsciously judge other books based on the styling’s of these few? People believe that the true meaning of â€Å"Literature,† is a literary work in which the readers mind is opened to new concepts and ideals. For a writing to be called â€Å"Literature† it doesn’t have to be considered a â€Å"Classic† nor does it need to follow the same construct as these so called â€Å"Classics†. The book, 11/23/63, is much more of a form of â€Å"Literature† than A Tale of Two Cities. Based solely on the fact that in the Stephen King novel, he places the thought of, â€Å"What if? † into your mind.. Whereas, â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities†, depicts the plight of the French peasantry in the years leading up to the revolution, as opposed to opening your mind. While A Tale of Two Cities, shows you what life was like in those times. Stephen King shows you an alternate universe in which there was but one change, and how that one change affects how history takes its course. When the author helps your mind, explore worlds of endless possibility, or sheds light on a new way to perceive things. That is when the author has created a â€Å"True† work of literary merit. The thing about the term, â€Å"Literature†, is that it doesn’t have just one meaning. Literature is comprised of many things, but while Webster definition of â€Å"Literature† is, â€Å"the production of literary work especially as an occupation. † The â€Å"True† meaning is open to interpretation, meaning that one person’s definition of the word may be completely different than another person’s definition. This is both the great and horrid thing about the term. When scholars classify writing as literature, they often consider it a book or writing that has stood the test of time and despite its age it has surpassed many other great works through history by receiving merit from the scholars, based on their description of the word, influential. You may agree that it should be considered a piece of â€Å"Literature†, if it has done this, and you would be right, but what if it was a great piece of literary art that didn’t become a best seller? And thus was cast into the abyss to be forgotten until stumbled across one day by a mind ready to take in what the author wanted to say. Would you consider it â€Å"Literature? † Or would you just leave it in the abyss because it never became a best seller? Take Moby Dick for example, it is considered to be one of the Great American Novels and a treasure of world literature. However, it never received enough credit to title it a â€Å"Best seller. † One literary work, also helps define my idea of the word Literature, is The Hobbit by J. R. R Tolkien. The reason I consider this a piece of â€Å"Literature† is because of the amount of imagery Tolkien uses to bring his world to life in the imagination of the reader. In this excerpt from that book, he describes every thought of the characters and his use of imagery helps create the scene in the mind of the reader. â€Å"The dark came into the room from the little window that opened in the side of The Hill; the firelight flickered-it was April-and still they played on, while the shadow of Gandalf’s beard wagged against the wall. The dark filled all the room, and the fire died down, and the shadows were lost, and still they played on. And suddenly first one and then another began to sing as they played, deep-throated singing of the dwarves in the deep places of their ancient homes; and this is like a fragment of their song, if it can be like their song without their music. † (The Hobbit, Page 15) Tolkien’s powerful use of imagery in that passage painted a clear picture of what happens while the dwarves sing. However, Splatterpunk also uses powerful imagery to paint pictures. The key difference between the imagery used Splatterpunk and the imagery used in The Hobbit, is how the imagery is used. In the novel, The Cipher, which combined intensely poetic language and lavish grotesqueries, the author, uses imagery to place the pictures into the mind of the reader using powerful and descriptive words. As opposed to Tolkien, who draws upon the reader’s imagination with basic descriptions to help create a sketch in his mind. Now, many would not consider this a form of â€Å"Literature† due to the lack of personal connection between the story and the reader. However, I consider this book, and even this passage alone, to be a form of â€Å"Literature† solely because it opens my mind to a new world full of adventure and intrigue, while keeping the reader glued to the book during the time he reads. Imagery is a powerful tool for both the author and the reader, for if the author isn’t clear with his use of imagery it breaks the reader’s attention and allows him to be lost within the story, and not in a good way. Tolkien also uses diction to place an image into the readers mind, and he does this in such a way the reader begins to sing the song in his own head. Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day, To claim our long-forgotten gold. Goblets they carved there for themselves And harps of gold; where no man delves There lay they long, and many a song Was sung unheard by men or elves. The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches blazed with light (The Hobbit, Page 16) Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is both universal and individual, and in many ways it affects us, for the better. In ways we sometimes may never understand. Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author’s message in one way, while someone else finds the message a different way. In this way we see how the definition of â€Å"Literature,† is subjective to both the readers own interpretation, and the overall meaning of the work. Because even when it is ugly, literature is beautiful. Sources Cited Tolkien, John R. R. The Hobbit. N. p. : George Allen Unwin, 1937. 15. Web. How to cite Literary criticism, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Injection Molding Essays - Injection Molding, Injection Moulding

Injection Molding Injection molding is a process used to form products from plastic. The process requires a mold, clamping component, injection unit, and some sort of plastic. As time has advanced so has injection molding by developing new techniques and new products to aid in the manufacturing of the injection molded parts. Injection molding was used as early as the 1860's. It can be used to form many different products. Whether the products are small, large, complex, or simple they can be produced. Injection molding has derived from metal die casting. However, the polymer can't just be poured into a mold, it has to be forced into the mold cavity. The polymer is forced into the mold and pressure is held on it to avoid shrinkage in the mold cavity as it cools. Injection molding is capable of producing a large number of parts with very high precision. All thermoplastics except polytetraflouroethylene (PTFE), polyamides, and some aromatic polyesters can be used by the injection molding machine. Some thermosetting plastics can also be used. The typical fabrication process can be done by one of two different types of injection molding equipment. Either a plunger, or reciprocating screw type machine can be used. The process starts by melting the polymer resin. Once the resin is melted, a mold is placed in the clamping unit. The clamping unit is to hold the mold together. The plunger or reciprocating screw then force the polymer resin into the mold. In the plunger operated machine, the plunger is hydraulically operated. This forces the plastic through a heated area, where it is then spread into a thin layer by the torpedo. Then the melt comes to the nozzle and is injected into the mold. The reciprocating screw rotates, this moves the polymer resin forward for injection. As the screw rotates it acts to melt, mix, and pump the polymer to prepare it for injection. The reciprocating screw machine is the most widely used of the two machines. Once the polymer resin is injected into the mold cavity, the mold is allowed to cool. The mold has a gate, which limits back flow and directs the flow of the melt into the mold cavity. Once the mold has cooled and the polymer has solidified the mold can be removed and the part can be ejected. When the gate freezes, the screw begins to rotate again and the part is ejected. This completes the cycle time. Cycle times range due to the amount of time the polymer needs to cure or solidify. This is called the hold time. Some advantages of injection molding are high production rates, design flexibility, low tolerances, can process wide range of materials, low labor, little or no finishing, and scrap is held to a minimum. However, some disadvantages are high startup and running costs, part must be designed for effective molding, accurate cost prediction is difficult, and machine cost is very high. The high tooling costs come from the molds being built to a high level of precision. The molds are usually constructed of hardened tool steel, and aluminum or other soft metals when tooling life is not an issue. Tooling costs can range from $5,000 to $100,000. However, there are some parts that can not be formed by any other method of processing except injection molding. These parts typically become feasible around 1,000 pieces. To go with the high tooling costs there are a large number of variables that go along with it. Injection molding machines may require special plant services that other equipment does not. As technology advances so must the industry to keep up production. One way injection molding is keeping up is by becoming automated. Usually, operators are placing parts into molds, and then taking the parts out. Now, robotic devices are being used to place inserts before molding and remove parts after molding as well as a host of other operations as well. Not only does the robotics speed up the process, but makes it much more cost effective. Another way industry is trying to keep up with technology is by using computer software. The software is called "Mold Adviser," which is a mold design and analysis package that can be used to help speed up operations while reducing tooling costs. Using the past standard operation of designing molds a company could easily waste six to twelve weeks and anywhere from $30,000 to $40,000 on fixing a mold that has a problem with filling correctly. The new software will detect these problems up front before production begins. It