Friday, February 14, 2020

Everett Rogers model Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Everett Rogers model - Article Example Rogers states that a successful behavior trait taking hold for successful companies is to develop business models to assess a strategy. These models provide change models expanding on issues such as "what", that provide a picture of the company now of analysis; and "which", that suggest alternative action paths for the company to take. Both of these models provide information to build a more complete picture of events within the business and options for future development. Managers should make use of these models and many don't. Those that do are more likely to be successful and have the ability to minimize risk of failure. Rogers also states that business managers who do are far more likely to survive. For planners and non-planners there is not a single universal technique that can be applied in all situations. Use of strategic planning models can be a very important behavior trait for successful companies. Companies that do not use strategic planning models usually don't because the model does not offer what the customer wants. It may be inadequate because of its analysis of the relationship between company resources and markets. These result in advice about overall investment decisions rather than about the specifics of how to manage the alternatives in the market/business relationship can be shortsighted, since there are always alternatives in order to gain the maximum competitive advantage. Since change is so an important aspect of business continuity, many models don't necessarily provide assiduous suggestions for what type of change should be considered."An example of modeling one such model in use by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) subdivides their profit centers into four main subdivisions. This breakdown does help in planning for strategic investment matters but it does not assist the planner in identifying a single product development proposal to investigate further from a number of alternatives. The matrix system comprises the following: 1) Stars, which are products generally with negative cash flow 2) Question marks, which are products with generally negative cash flows but with low relative market share in growing markets 3) Dogs, which are products unlikely to be generating substantial positive cash flows due to the fact that they are in slowly growing markets with low relative market shares 4) Cash cows, that are products that generating cash which have high relative market shares and are established in slowly growing markets." (Boston Consulting Group). BCG model like the previous statement in the above paragraph does not define the product enough and does not crea te opportunities to explore alternatives in which to improve profitability or market share.As The Boston Consulting Firm notes, "the growth concept is divided into five separate levels one being dominant, strong, favorable, tenable and weak and relates this to the stages of market development. The stages are embryonic, growing, mature, and aging, which produce a series of strategic guidelines for company development. The market growth concept provides valuable guidance about broad policies, replacing the concept of market attractiveness in the GE matrix with stages of market growth. A PLC (product life cycle) are frameworks for planning. It suggests that specific changes in product policy should

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Critical evaluation of Emerging NMS and Analysis Research Paper

Critical evaluation of Emerging NMS and Analysis - Research Paper Example Fault Management is the first element of FACPS. In order to manage faults, it is essential to detect it, log it and notify the concerned users. It is also necessary that the best possible ways are used to automatically fix the network faults in such a way that the network continues to run effectively. Network faults degrade network and cause downtime and therefore it is an important element that is implemented most widely in all networks (Network dictionary, n.d.) Configuration Management is the second element of FCAPS. It is the act of monitoring configuration information of the network and system. The aim of this is to track and manage effects of network operations on different hardware and software versions (Network dictionary n.d.) Accounting Management is the third element of FCAPS. It is the act of measuring the extent of network utilization by individuals and groups. All the activities of network users are measured on the basis of individuals and groups. The aim of this is to regulate the usage of network and bill the users according to their usage (Network dictionary n.d.) Performance Management is the fourth element of FCAPS. It is the act of measuring performance of network based on various aspects such as consistency, rates of faults and utilization. It also requires collection and analysis of network performance data such as throughput, latency, delay and jitter. The aim of this is to optimize the network performance; that is to keep the network effective and efficient (Network dictionary n.d.) Security Management is the fifth element of FCAPS. It is the act of controlling access and usage of network resources through the process of authentication, verification and assignments of rights based on privileges, positions and needs of the users. The aim is to prevent any sabotage or unauthorised access of private and sensitive information